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[rightmanpark™ ] Jay's Story Chamber

Mt. Yamnusca 본문

Pics Chamber/In CANADA

Mt. Yamnusca

Jay_Park 2008. 2. 22. 22:30
사용자 삽입 이미지

해발 2393m에 달하는 산이구...캘거리 서쪽에 위치하지..정확히 말하면 음...켄모어 앞쪽이라고 해야하나? 그래 그냥 켄모어라고 하는것이 맞을지도 모르겠군..산의 이름은 문학적인 해석을 빌리자면말야.“Flat Faced Mountain”이라고 해야겠당.. 산은 사진에서 보는봐야같이 매우 가파르며 거의 수직으로 된 암반들이 즐비하지..이 가파르며 찌를듯한 절벽들은 Eldon Formation 의 일부분이라고 봐야하겠다. 캄브리아기 이후로 약 5억 3500만년전부터 이루어진 산이란다.. 으아함...거의 마지막 오니깐 절라 힘들다....영어공부를 위할껌 영어로도 씨부려주마.. Visually, the mountain appears as a sheer, almost vertical face of limestone overlying a softer bed of shale. These sheer cliffs are part of the Eldon Formation limestones. They were formed approximately 535 million years ago during the Cambrian. By contrast, the underlying shales are virtual newborns at 75 million years. They are part of the same formation that yields an almost endless supply of dinosaur fossils in places like Dinosaur Provincial Park. In normal depositional environments, layers of sedimentary rock are laid down one atop the other, like the pages of a book. This leads to the normal assumption that layers near the top should be younger than those beneath. Geologists refer to this as the Principle of Superposition. Quite literally, it means that the rocks on the top should be the youngest. This orderly arrangement is often upset in the Rockies where layers of old rocks may be thrust atop their younger neighbours. The layers may move great distances before resting at their present locations. In this particular case, they have slid approximately 32 km. On the face of Mount Yamnuska, the junction between the soft shale and the vertical limestone is known as the McConnell Thrust Fault. It stretches some 200 km, and represents the sliding layer atop which the limestones were moved over the younger shales. It also forms the official start of the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rockies.

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